Akagi, Ritsuko
Female - Est. Age 24 to 29
赤木 リツコ - Japanese
Ritsuko is Misato’s long time friend and the head scientist of Nerv. She’s key to the operation of the Evangelions and the Magi supercomputers that operate Tokyo 3. Ritsuko commands with an iron fist but still finds a confidant are Misato and her assistant Maya even though she continues to keep her personal endeavors to herself burring herself in work, smoking, and her affinity for cats. Despite Ritsuko and Misato’s close bond they share different ethical beliefs which often cause them to clash during battles.
Personality: Conservative, Detached, Independent, Intelligent, Practical, Private, Sentimental, Serious, Skeptical
Interests: Animals, Science, Technology
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Bust: Average
Hair: Shoulder Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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