Winchester, Dean
Male - Est. Age 30 to 59
Dean Winchester - English
ディーン・ウィンチェスター - Japanese
Dean Winchester was born on January 24th 1979 in Lawrence, Kansas. He is named after his grandmother Deanna. His parents are Jon and Mary Winchester. He also has a brother named Sam. On November 2, 1983, his mother was killed in his brother's nursery by a yellow-eyed demon. His father tries to rescue his mother after he hands Sam to Dean. Dean carries Sam out of the house. After that night, Dean has looked out for Sam. He was raised by his father along with Sam. Dean's father would go out hunting for a week or two.
Birth Date: Jan 24, 1979
Personality: Aggressive, Assertive, Confident, Lively, Open, Outgoing, Tense, Trusting
Interests: Cars, Drinking, Family, Fighting, Food, Friends, Guns, Love, Magic, Music, Occult, Travel, Weapons
Occupations: Hunting
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Neckwear: Necklace
Fashions: Modern
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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