Barberin, Remi
Female - Est. Age 7 to 12
レミ・バルブラン - Japanese
Remi is a cheerful and lively young girl who has a talent in singing. She lived with her foster parents and lived happily during her childhood days until her father came home and revealed that she isn't their real daughter and tried to sold her from an evil slave trader but Vitalis saved her in time and adopted her as his own child and became a member of his troupe and a new adventures begins.
Personality: Group-oriented, Lively, Loyal, Venturesome
Interests: Singing, Travel
Height: Average
Weight: Slim
Bust: Small
Headgear: Hat
Neckwear: Pendant, Scarf
Hair: Mid Back Length, Pony Tail
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type II
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  • Barberin, Remi - 0
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