Posted 4/05/2013
So I noticed the site did a cool event in this past April's Fools so do you do this for every holiday?
Sincerely this person.

Posted 4/05/2013
loooool! Yeah, that April Fool's prank was pretty cool. And cute.

Posted 4/06/2013
I don't know! D: For about 2-3 weeks during the holiday I change the wallpaper to snow flakes as shown here:

As far as doing a specific one every holiday? I would love to, but simply don't have the time to do anything major. If you come up with any ideas let me know and maybe we can work on something together.
 Though I like keeping it a surprise too so we'll have to be somewhat quiet about it. Maybe we'll create a secret post to discuss it when the time comes.

For April fools I'm thinking of keeping with kittens. Last year I changed all the anime icon images to cat pics and got someone to complained on the Facebook page about cat pics on the mobile app. lol If I keep with cats than it'll be fun since everyone whose already part of the site can take part of it as the newer users get confused.

FYI: I don't like doing things for religious holidays because I feel it leaves people out. So if we do something for Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. it would have to be for Winter Solstice instead.

Posted 4/06/2013
Alright lets do something in secret.

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