Posted 8/06/2013
Hope to go down to Florida to see my grandpa. I want to learn how to play golf from him and get some life lessons from someone born in the greatest generation.
 See you soon then.

By... "TheAwsome"
 More like see in a few seconds because your stalking me! 
 No I'm holding a conversation sir.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/06/2013
Hope to go down to Florida to see my grandpa. I want to learn how to play golf from him and get some life lessons from someone born in the greatest generation.
 See you soon then.

By... "TheAwsome"
 More like see in a few seconds because your stalking me! 
 No I'm holding a conversation sir.

By... "TheAwsome"
 Either way, it's my goal to learn golf by the end of the summer. Just me, the sun, an Arnold Palmer or Golden Bear, and the game.

Posted 8/06/2013
Hope to go down to Florida to see my grandpa. I want to learn how to play golf from him and get some life lessons from someone born in the greatest generation.
 See you soon then.

By... "TheAwsome"
 More like see in a few seconds because your stalking me! 
 No I'm holding a conversation sir.

By... "TheAwsome"
 Either way, it's my goal to learn golf by the end of the summer. Just me, the sun, an Arnold Palmer or Golden Bear, and the game.
 ... and me in the corner hehehehe....

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 11/16/2013
Plans for the holidays, anyone?

Posted 11/16/2013
Plans for the holidays, anyone?
Just family events like normal. Maybe take a day off to bug NeNe.

Posted 11/16/2013
My plans include Turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, chicken, pumpkin pie, banana cream pie, strawberry cream pie,  fruit salad, sandwiches, chips, alchol, mountain dew, and pocky.
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