Posted 10/07/2013
User accounts will be migrating slowly to a newer system. At this time no action is needed by users. During the initial phase the following will occur.
  • Users will be registered on both the new and old system.
  • Existing users have been updated to the current system.
  • Passwords will be migrated to the new system over time.
Because all passwords are hashed on the site your password will not migrate over to the new system right away. Instead as you log into the site your password will be added to the system. When the final stage occurs users will be forced to reset their password if they have not logged in during the migration period. This process is expected to last at least a year.

Here are some of the advantages to the newer system.
  • Simplifies the login process.
  • Account locking. (Makes it harder to hack passwords.)
  • More secure.
  • Easier to code for OAuth (used for social networking)
  • Easier user role management. (admin, writers, etc)
  • More secure password resets.
There are a lot more advantages but these are the key changes. I expect to start using some of the changes in the very near future.

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