Posted 5/05/2013
So I heard of and have watched some gameplay for this game. I find it wonderful it is like minecraft were you need to survive but this game has a different feel to it. I know this site has connections to mineraft so I thought this game would interest you. The art and design of this game are unique by far. And the game-play is addictive.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 5/06/2013
I'm currently on day 30 some on my current game with Wolfgang and have started looking into magic. Made it to 47 with Willow, but got tired of it island and killed myself to unlock more characters. Really liked playing with Wendy, but Wolfgang seems to be the best so far. As with most of these games I end up having to try to force myself away before killing my entire weekend... which I know I will do if I'm not careful.

Posted 5/06/2013
I myself would play the game but like minecraft my computer can't play it.

By... "TheAwsome"
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