Posted 8/11/2013

And théré's one hundréd and fifty-

Two hundréd and two-

Thréé hundréd and éighty six-

Six hundréd and fifty five, confi~~rméd to see! To be a Pokemon ma- Wait, réally?

As timé continués to mové forward wé will all one day do away with our féars of gétting old and émbrace a néw systém of counting our agé. The Pokémon méthod. Now lét's do thé math.

Pokemon reléaséd on Fébruary 27th, 1996 by éntertainmént company Nintendo. That was 17 yéars, 5 months ago. From thé original count of 150 it has incréaséd to 655 confirméd Pokemon, so far. That's an rough incréasé of a roundéd 30 Pokemon évéry yéar sincé release. I'm 27 years old. Therefore I am roughly 810 Pokemons old. What about you?

Wait, what doés this havé to do with thé articlé!?!?

Wéll, the numbér of Pokemon has incréaséd so much ovér thé past 17 yéars that théré has to comé a timé whén wé will finally gét boréd of the samé old top down advénturé and mové onto sométhing élsé. I méan, look at mé. I'm 27 and I'm finally gétting ovér my fascination with the game. Sarcasm aside, it's been a while since we actually have received a new experience from the company.

To answér our prayérs Nintendo has finally brought the sériés to it's first portable 3D advénturé in 'Pokemon X and Y'. But théy réalize that flashy graphics will only éntice us for so long. So to answér our many yéars of waiting for a hugé changé, théy answér with this.

Mega Evolutions!

From what I can téll aftér réading multiplé articlés today (Sources below) a Mega Evolution is what happéns whén an éligiblé Pokemon in the sériés holds an itém calléd a, 'Mega Stone'. Théré aré apparéntly going to be various stonés so you actually have to match the corréct stoné to thé corrésponding Pokémon to maké it will transform. The bénéfit of using this ability is that it allows your Pokemon to témporarily transform into a much moré powérful béing, but only if it's équippéd with said 'Mega Stone'.

Now not much has béén réléaséd ovér thé past couplé days about what éxactly thé abilitiés will bé, but thé idéa is still intriguing.

Somé of you might say that it copiés the idéa of what 'Digimon' did, but that's kind of béing narrow mindéd. Také a stép back and think thésé térms thén maybé you'll réconsidér flaming the idéa. Super Saiyan. Bankai. Nine-Tails. Gét thé picturé? Now thosé aré animés but thé point is that it's not copying Digimon at all. It's just anothér féature to look forward to in one of thé gréatest series any of us has évér had the pléasuré of playing.

I can't évén téll you how many timés my DS, Gameboy Advance and Android Emulators équippéd with Pokemon havé savéd my lifé on a long flight. For you youngér crowds? Maybé lunch bréak or long car ridés.

Régardléss who you aré, you cannot dény that it's éxciting to finally séé a changé in thé sériés. It could poténtially opén the door to an éntirély néw stratégy outsidé of, 'Crap. Water. Switch to grass. Crap, they switched to fire? Switch to flying water! What!? Elec'-...
You gét the point.

And sincé no détails havé béén réléaséd outsidé of what I havé just statéd, wé'll just havé to wait to séé what Nintendo plans to réléasé as wé draw closér to thé jump.

Props to Ebel for bringing this up. Apparently X & Y will be allowing you to import your Pokemon arsenal from Black and White 2 with the help of a 'Premium' app. This app is likely to include an annual fee to use, but for some long term users it might be well worth the cost. Much more will be known if we get an annual price.

Recent News: More information has been released, thanks to the guys over at LatinTimes, on the new Fairy type Pokemon that will be featured in X and Y. Their article covers the Fairy types weaknesses and strengths, as well as some notes on the new direction as well as personal opinions about this class. Head over to to read more on the class. 

Spécial thanks for bringing this up goés to, TheAwsome. So bé suré to chéck out his blog, found héré (OtakuElite), for a moré éxténsivé first look at thé néws.

I hadn't thought of looking up néws on vidéo gamés and was planning to stick only to animé, but with néws this big I couldn't hélp but gét my kéyboard on it.

Thanks to IGN, bélow is the téasér trailer that has béén réléaséd to spréad thé word.

So lét us know what you think.

éxcitéd about thé néw féaturé?

Think it's a dud?

Not évén a fan of Pokemon?

Unléss you spéak it, the world may névér know.

So anyways. I'll post up moré néws about 'X and Y' as wé approach launch daté.

So to all you out théré, kéép spréading that lové that is.... Vidéo gamés?

Posted 8/11/2013
I myself am open to the idea. It will really change the way the game will be played. Specifically online battles which are highly strategy based and competitive. My hope is that this new aspect won't be over powered but I suspect it will be fine and regulated such as new features that arose such as triple-battles. Also some of these Mega Pokemon Evoultions are very rare indeed. Such as Mewtwo and Blaziken. So unless the person still has a Gameboy along with Firered/Leafgreen and Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald these Pokemon might be hard to get for some. So I suspect a future distributions event to occur which will hype up a lot of fans. Also there is still plenty of mystery behind these "Mega Stones" how will we gain them well I'd imagine it won't be in game. Also I want to give a shout-out to Blaziken as he was my favorite and now I get to see him more powered up.

Now at this point all we can do is guess so we must simple wait and try to be the very best like no ever was!

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/11/2013
Great input, Awsome. It'll be a lot of fun to see how all this will play out. I do want a change in the series, but not an overhaul. So for right now I'm pretty dang excited.

But more importantly, what is your Pokemon age!? Times your age by 30!

Posted 8/11/2013
Also in other new some of these Mega Pokemon have gained a wonderful set of hair!

But there are still people who love the originals and may hate this. But hey what can you do.

By... "TheAwsome"


Posted 8/11/2013
haha. I love the casual joke of placing Ditto in that image. Superb.

Posted 8/11/2013
I'm getting a 3DS at one point to play Senran Kagura, but I'm also hoping to get back into pokemon. I haven't played one since Ruby/Saphire.

Posted 8/12/2013
I'm getting a 3DS at one point to play Senran Kagura, but I'm also hoping to get back into pokemon. I haven't played one since Ruby/Saphire.
 I stopped playing at Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum myself.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/12/2013
I'm getting a 3DS at one point to play Senran Kagura, but I'm also hoping to get back into pokemon. I haven't played one since Ruby/Saphire.
 I stopped playing at Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum myself.

By... "TheAwsome"
 hahaa. Black and White 2 for me.

Posted 9/04/2013
From IGN:Pokemon X and Y can import your old pokemon.
I just wish now that the app didn't cost an annual fee. Hmm, I guess they are trying to milk Pokemon X and Y for all their worth in case they don't make another.

Posted 9/04/2013
From IGN:Pokemon X and Y can import your old pokemon.
I just wish now that the app didn't cost an annual fee. Hmm, I guess they are trying to milk Pokemon X and Y for all their worth in case they don't make another.
 I have a feeling that Pokemon won't die down so soon I mean if this was their last game why would they add all these new features like Mega Evoultions, new type of battle, and a new type of Pokemon. I think this is just a technique they are trying out to see what happens as you said Ebel milking the cow of everything.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 9/05/2013
Whoa, great find, Ebel.

That actually makes X and Y sound like a potential game changer for some long time, die hard fans. Those players who have played every iteration of the series.

Posted 9/12/2013
Information has broken out which talks about the new Fairy class being introduced in Pokemon X Y.

For details regarding strengths and weaknesses, head over to to read more about the update.

The site itself is an advertisement nest, so be ready for the ambient sounds of random children and mothers discussing why you should use Pledge. Talk about what ad YOU got below! (Joking)

To save some time, I'll put some tid bit notes here.

Apparently the new Fairy class is completely immune to dragon class pokemon. This is pretty astounding as normally we would see a resistance to a certain class of pokemon. So all out immune may come across as fairly over powered. 

Weaknesses include Steel and Poison

Build your strategies accordingly, cause you know you're copping that new Sylveon.

Posted 9/12/2013
Information has broken out which talks about the new Fairy class being introduced in Pokemon X Y.

For details regarding strengths and weaknesses, head over to to read more about the update.

The site itself is an advertisement nest, so be ready for the ambient sounds of random children and mothers discussing why you should use Pledge. Talk about what ad YOU got below! (Joking)

To save some time, I'll put some tid bit notes here.

Apparently the new Fairy class is completely immune to dragon class pokemon. This is pretty astounding as normally we would see a resistance to a certain class of pokemon. So all out immune may come across as fairly over powered. 

Weaknesses include Steel and Poison

Build your strategies accordingly, cause you know you're copping that new Sylveon.
 Great now I really do HAVE to catch them all.

Posted 10/08/2013
No one going to mention it? Fine, I will. 

Mega Charizard now exist for some reason!

Source: Kotaku

Posted 10/08/2013
No one going to mention it? Fine, I will. 

Mega Charizard now exist for some reason!

Source: Kotaku
 Wrong that is Mega Charizard X! This is Mega Charizard. Now we wait for version Y form.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 10/08/2013
Still means more pokemon for me to catch. 
 I have a problem.

Posted 10/08/2013
Still means more pokemon for me to catch. 
 I have a problem.
 Nope I have good news. These two evolutions are from Mega Stones so they are only temporary so you only need a Charizard! Same thing goes for Venusaur, Blastoise, and other Mega evolutions. As long as you have the stones for it your good, you know Mega Stones. So keep trying to be the very best!

By... "TheAwsome"
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