Explore OtakuElite's Site Features:

Site Features:

Anime Database
Search OtauElite's anime database from your finger tips. Get detailed synopsis, images, episodes, ratings, genres, themes, and much more. Users can review, comment, rate, and edit entries directly from the website. Search OtakuElite’s anime database now.
Registered users can submit their own entries.

Checklist and Ratings
Users can rate their favorite series, or even most disliked series, based on 5 factors including enjoyment, animation, characters, soundtrack, and story. You can even track which anime you've seen!
All information is kept personal unless you choose to share it.

View a list of characters from various anime series using our character database. You can track the character's history with each characters individual filmography. Search the anime database or character database to learn more.

Rate and submit your own personal review using a rich HTML editor to help make them pop! Or you can view other's reviews and rate them! Sign up or sign in and visit any info page to write your own review!

Advanced Search Filters
Search for anime series and movies using advanced search filters including genre, themes, time period, rating, and much more. You can even read the synopsis and must more right from the search page! Search OtakuElite's anime database now.

OtakuElite has trailers directly in the search results! Without even having to leave the search page pull up trailers to help you decide which anime series or movie you want to see next! Trailers are directly viewed from YouTube and can also be seen using the mobile Android App.

RSS Feeds
Use OtakuElite’s dynamic RSS Feeds to help keep up with the latest series! Simply perform a basic search on the search page and click the RSS logo at the bottom of the page and click subscribe! Try it!
Some browsers may require plug-ins to suscribe to RSS feeds.

Site Search
Use the power of Google to search OtakuElite’s entire website with ease. Having trouble finding a specific forum posts, or you can’t find another specific site page? Try site search!

Anime Lists
View a list of the top rated, most enjoyed, newest, and recently added titles directly from the home page. Simply hover over the series to review detailed information about each title. Not sure of which series or movie you want to see next? OtakuElite's homepage randomly selects an anime series for you! Who knows, maybe you'll find that hidden gem? Visit our home page!

Character Database
OtakuElite offers the first and only detailed character database. Unlike other websites OtakuElite's character database offers information varying from physical appearance, personality, and history. Search the database or view the characters from the video info pages. Search the character database now!

Easy Submission
User friendly pages make OtakuElite the easiest anime database to submit entries. Not only are the pages clutter free and offer help within the pages, but you can even stop and come back to finish adding your entry! Never again worry about losing your entire entry!

Watch Videos
Watch free videos directly on OtakuElite! OtakuElite’s video page search several websites for anime episodes, all of which are from high quality sources. Support the creators and watch anime free! Visit the video page!

Discuss Discuss various topics with fellow users on OtakuElite’s site forum. Create threads and post comments using our rich HTML editor as well as rate other users’ posts. Visit the forum!

User Profiles
Users are provided with their own personal profiles. As this feature is further developed users will be giving numerious ways of personalizing the site.

IRC Chat
OtakuElite's IRC chat powered by HellFireIRC provides a fun way to quickly get in touch with fellow otakus using Mibit! Mibit provides a javascript based IRC client that allows for rich text editing, smilies, and view youtube videos and images directly in the chat window. Using the power of IRC users can create a unique chat environment using their own personal chat clients as well, such as mIRC. Chat now!

Anime Database App
Download OtakuElite’s Anime Database App for your Android device! The only anime database on Android marketplace that offers the ability to use many of the site’s advance search filters and even view trailers directly on your Android device!

Visit HellFireIRC’s homepage to connect with people thorugh irc.hellfireirc.net! While you’re there you can visit Ox_King’s animated image blog! Visit HellFireIRC!