Brief history
OtakuElite was started in 2006 as a small personal project with virtually no content. In 2008 the site was revamped into the prototype which was officially named OtakuElite that allowed for basic contributions with a small dedicated server. It was not until 2010 that the site finally started to become what it is today-a place where users can submit, review, watch, and discuss anime. The site is completely maintained and developed by myself with the help of fellow users and was created with the intent of being a tool to learn web development. OtakuElite has grown with my personal skills over the year moving from a static HTML page hosted on a free server to the self maintained Web 2.0 structure it is today. OtakuElite fully utilizes the latest in server and client side coding practices along with cloud technologies.
Present day
OtakuElite is pushing more than ever to create brand awareness with conventional means while maintaining a primary focus on development. Today the site has been focusing on multiple platforms from Android, Facebook, and its mobile site. The site has recently become an affiliation of Crunchyroll and will be providing Crunchyroll's video library directly to the site as the first official content provider. The site is also now entering the 4th design phase as all content is being refreshed with newer technologies with improved performance. At this phase OtakuElite is no longer in beta.
The future
OtakuElite is pushing forward with offering free and legal anime streaming, thanks to Crunchyroll, while expanding its database. The site will include a database for manga, music, people, and companies. The site will also be providing widgets and other social networking tools. Eventually news, personal blogs, and other features will be available once more users join. Why OtakuElite As a personal anime enthusiast I've seen hundreds of anime series and have been becoming more and more absorbed in the anime community over the years. OtakuElite is a way of allowing for me to fully express my love of anime and technical knowledge. As my personal skills grow so will OtakuElite.
About the webmaster
I'm a college graduate with a background in electronics, computers, and business administration. I have 5 years of web development experience ranging from HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS2.0/3.0, ASP, .Net, Visual Basic, C#, SQL, IIS, Java, some PHP, and a vast knowledge of Microsoft, Google, and SEO technologies.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. Even if it's a feature request, I'll get to it at some point if it's good enough! If it's really good I'll be glad to give you a personal mention on the site! As always, I give my greatest thanks to those who have contributed to the site.
"Even though we are going to shatter thousands of lives, wearing white is gonna make the blood look so pretty."
Your webmaster,

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Document the discovery of a new anime.