Cyan, Sung-Sun
Female - Age 27
シアン・スンスン - Japanese
Sung-Sun appears to be the most composed, mature, and intelligent of Harribel's Fracción, often advising her fellow Fracción, Apacci and Mila Rose, to stop arguing, as it makes them look weak, then chiding their angry responses. She has a sort of snobbish attitude toward her fellow teammates and complains when they get in her way during combat. She can easily get them riled up by taunting them and putting her hand in their faces as if she's ignoring them.
Birth Date: Feb 17
Personality: Confident, Conservative, Intelligent, Open, Practical, Private, Relaxed, Serious
Height: 159cm
Weight: 47kg
Hair: Mid Back Length, Pony Tail
Eye Color:
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  • Cyan, Sung-Sun - 0
  • Cyan, Sung-Sun - 1
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