Deviluke, Satalin Lala
Female - Age 16
Lala has a very bubbly and yet almost child like personality, slightly immature at times and very enthusiastic. Although she does appear that way she is very smart, actually she has genius level intellect and shows that with her many inventions. She also shows how mature she is in a relationship through the amount of care she show whether or not people notice. She also notices when people are worried and tries to help.
Birth Date: Jul 7
Personality: Abmitious, Confident, Experimental, Intelligent, Lively, Outgoing
Interests: Dating, Family, Friends
Occupations: Student
Height: 165cm
Weight: 51kg
Bust: Average
Measurements: 89cm, 57cm, 87
Fashions: Modern, School Uniform
Physical Traits: Alien
Hair: Mid Back Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type II
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  • Deviluke, Satalin Lala - 0
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