Hell, Alexander Nikolaevich
Male - Age 13
Qwaser of Iron - English
Sasha - English
Sasha the Martyr - English
アレクサンドル ニコラエビッチ ヘル - Japanese
When Sasha was just a kid, he was held captive with other children. They were forced repeatedly and abusively to train to become Qwasers. Only a select few made it (the rest either died in the process or became insane) and Sasha being one of them; became the Qwaser of Iron. He has the ability to transform any iron into whatever he needs for battle. His favorite weapon is the Scythe. Sasha appeared out of nowhere on the grounds of St. Mihailov, and was quickly accepted into the school as a student of class 1-A, the same that Mafuyu Oribe and Tomo Yamanobe attend.
Favorite Food: Borscht
Personality: Aggressive, Assertive, Confident, Intelligent, Moralistic, Practical, Realistic, Serious, Tense, Unsentimental
Interests: Fighting, Food, Power, Weapons
Occupations: Student
Hair: Ear Length
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
von Luschan Type III
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  • Hell, Alexander Nikolaevich - 0
  • Hell, Alexander Nikolaevich - 1
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