Joined: 10/28/2013
Blog Posts: 2
Subscribers: 0
Comments: 7
Blog Views: 14
SO some of you (4 people) who commented on my last blog post i want to say thanks!! I felt welcomed even though it may be a small group i still don't get welcomed into things that fast so this feels special! Also for the person that asked My favorite animes would be Black Butler, Sword Art online, and Kaichou-wa Maid Sama!! I think kaichou was the one that got me into anime which im soo happy for!!And for the others Im glad i registered for this and glad to be part of an anime family!! I hope it becomes even bigger as time goes on!! 
Kaichou-wa Maid Sama<-----Kaichou!! Talk again soon!! >3<-Rena
This is pretty cool!!
Hey! SO as you can tell I'm new so please help me out when you can!! Yup since i'm new i think im talking to myself...awkward...oh well but i hope if you're reading this that we can be friends in the future!!
 Thats me...sort of..Be back soon!!Goin to explore this website!! ^_^ –Rena
    Document the discovery of a new anime.