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Love Is In The Air... Or Not

They look good together.

Can we talk about the love interests in Shippuden for a minute?

I know this show is a shonen, and not a shoujo, so love shouldn’t be of prime importance here. But there is quite a bit (and by that I mean a lot) of sparks flying in this anime.  Only a few characters have made their love known for another, or for each other, such as: Hinata’s love for Naruto, Naruto’s love for Sakura, Sakura’s love for Sasuke, and  Asuma & Kurenai’s love for each other. Then we have many cases of confusion where we think something might be going on and we’re anticipating it. Eventually we’re left disappointed because nothing ever develops. Take for instance ShikaTema. I honestly thought that something would happen between Shikamaru and Temari since episode 22 of Naruto, when they faught alongside each other for the first time. Since then, Temari, despite being quite tenacious, has always shown a softer side when she is with him. I mean, everyone saw the chemistry between the two. They’re relationship really makes me itch because there’s so much potential for them to grow. I’m a little disappointed that Kishimoto leaves us hanging here, but maybe he just wants them to be friends. A boy and a girl can be just friends, right? We’re left with questions with other characters too, like with Neji: it seems that he had a crush on Hinata. Then again one may argue that because he spent a lot of time training with her, he grew very fond of her, plus was only doing his duty; protecting Lady Hinata, like he is meant to do as someone of a lesser branch in the Hyuga clan. But I know a lot of us saw his crush on Hinata. To us it’s almost obvious, yet we’re stuck with thinking  he might have been in love with her, instead of knowing so.

The only romantic relationship that I believed would be forever static was Asuma and Kurenai. It seemed Asuma was only crushing on her, the way he would buy her flowers, and not tell anyone who it was for, or the way he always stared at her from a roof across her balcony; I was completely blown out of the waters when we found out she was pregnant with his baby, in season 4. They were getting it on and we didn’t even know it. It’s so sad he won’t get to be a father though. Oh, the never-ending tragedies in Shippuden. Will you ever give us a break, Kishimoto?

I must also admit that I am a SasuSaku supporter. I think they deserve each other, but not for any good reasons. I just think they’re really foolish— despite my love for Sakura, I have to admit it.  Now, some of you may think that Sasuke isn’t fit  for a relationship, but I beg to differ.

Well, at least we have Hinata. I’m especially proud of her for confessing her love to Naruto and defending him (like a boss) from Pain, but how upsetting that we were forced to just forget about it all after the battle was over.

 Nevertheless,  she’s obviously  head-over-heels for him, so shipping  them is a no-brainer. I’m not the type who likes to ship people together based on little to no evidence of a love interest (SasuHina, anyone?). I like it to be very obvious that they’re in love with each other, or that one character fancies the other. 

 I take a look at these relationships and I  can’t help but to compare them to the ones in another great shonen we loved growing up: the Dragonball series.  The romantic developments were great, and some were strangely sweet. Kuririn and Android 18 were my favorite, and, who would have thought that Vegeta of all people would have a family? This is why I think that Sasuke in a relationship could certainly be done.

Who's your favorite anime couple?



P.S. Happy April Fool's day, everyone!

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