Joined: 8/02/2013
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New Anime
I found a few new anime while I was looking around, I love adventure/action anime shows. I found an anime called Dragon Crisis. I started watching it yesterday. I like it so far its cool.     ^-^
It seems like it isn't as popular as other anime shows, in some websites its unheard of!
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    Nyome +1
    Never seen Guilty Crown. Dragon Crisis is a pretty good series. I enjoyed it. I think it feel short on a lot of people's because of the overdone harem story. It's still a very good series otherwise.
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    Ok, that makes more sense
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    Some shows like Guilty Crown got a lot of hype before they came out and when they finally came out they didn't meet exceptions. Guilty Crown was actually a decent Anime but got to much hype probably like this Anime.
Document the discovery of a new anime.