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Late night convos in IRC

23:11 *** TheAwsome joined #otakuelite

23:12 TheAwsome: Hello

23:12 Kenji|News: Yo, Awsome.

23:12 Kenji|News: My bad. I'm just having a hard time keeping up with all the threads while writing this, haha.

23:13 TheAwsome: Yeah it is busy

23:13 Kenji|News: lol

23:13 Kenji|News: But that's great!~

23:14 TheAwsome: Indeed

23:14 Kenji|News: Your posts and a combination of our replies at least keep traffic up.

23:14 Kenji|News: Then other people might chime in

23:14 Kenji|News: Though our posts get pretty deep, haha.

23:14 TheAwsome: Yeah it's awsome

23:15 TheAwsome: Now I know what voyerism is...

23:15 Kenji|News: hahahaha


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