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22:12 WestNyo|Stuffz i wrote a review a few weeks back but never posted it. never get around to editting it.
22:13 Kenji: haha
22:13 Kenji: Wanna email me it and I can proof read it for you?
22:13 Kenji: And email it back with any corrections I made?
22:13 WestNyo|Stuffz: nah
22:13 Kenji nods.
22:13 WestNyo|Stuffz: i'll get to it in good time
22:13 Kenji: Review for what, though?
22:13 Kenji: A yaoi fanfic?
22:13 WestNyo|Stuffz: editting involves rewriting most of it like normal
22:13 Kenji: True.
22:13 WestNyo|Stuffz: yes yaoi fanfic

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