Joined: 8/11/2008
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Amazing Birthday!!!
I had a suuuuper amazing birthday cuz my wonderful boyfriend decided to surprise me with all my friends AAANNNDDD WestNyorai drove three hours to see me!! Ahhh I feel so loved!

I spent the evening singing karaoke with friends and laughing the entire time lol.

Icing on the cake? DamDirtyApe had a surprise waiting for me when I got a home! A gifted access to the game Starbound that I'm excited to play!

I have great friends! <3
Tags: birthday
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  • icon
    TheAwsome +1
    Sure I would love to draw you a new avatar what will it be of though?
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    NeNe +1
    I would LOVE for you to draw me something Awsome!! Pretty please! Maybe you could draw a new avatar for me ^^ Thank you complex! Haha you loved it Nyo and you know it! I have to make sure those vids of me and monk dancing don't reach the internet >>;
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    complex +1
    Happy birthday NeNe!
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    Nyome +1
    Hai hai. Just don't force me to listen to gangnam style again. <3 Luckily you and Monk's dancing made it tolerable.
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    TheAwsome +1
    Oh it was your B-Day well um.... happy birth day. I'll give you a high five as a gift! Just kidding. Maybe I can draw you something? Would you like that?
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