Well while doing some research I started to think about what was the oldest anime ever. Well while doing more research I found out that a anime called
Nakamura Katana was the oldest of them all. Nakamura Katana is over 90 years old! And another thing I found is that a anime called
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors was the very first full length anime film. A tons of people think Astro Boy was the very first anime because it was in black and white..Well thats false. Astro Boy was made in 1963. So I don't
think Astro Boy can top a anime that is over 90 years old. It's pretty amazing how people can make these kind of animations. I am not sure if this was the very first anime but I will give it to you anyway. It's called Katsudou Shashin, people say it was made
in 1907.