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Blog news: new initiatives, dream goals & T.Y. notes

Hi elites!

So, I figured something: I should let you in on my plans! I finally made an intro, and now I’m letting you in on my writing schedule, and some fresh-outside-my-comfort zone recipes I am cooking up  (I’m a poet). Any time I’ll be taking new initiatives, an entry like this one will be posted. Let’s start with some news.

New Segment!

I know we’re not all fans of Shippuden. In fact, some of you made it clear in the forums, tehe. But it’s cool. For this very reason, I’d like to step outside of my Shippuden  bubble once a week and discuss general anime, and anything that would be of interest to us as otaku.  A couple things I’m thinking of covering:

  • first & last impressions
  • top 5’s
  • seasonal anime charts
  • music
  • games( this though, very rare)
  • miscellaneous topics

This new segment will be called Off-Topic Thursday! It starts this week.

I am also working on making a banner & a background image. Well, for now I might just choose any good image as a background, but I really want a banner.


Mondays and Thursdays.

This upcoming Monday will be an exception as you won't hear from me. These two last posts are making make up for that.

Future (dream) plans

I’m constantly thinking of how I can contribute to getting more members & keeping things active. Blogs are a powerful tool when it comes to PR. So, what I would like to have on the blog, which I think for the time being would have to wait (until we have a substantial amount of active members, and until I grow enough confidence to do something like this), are occasional giveaways and contests. I read that giveaways get tons of traffic. Great!

Trust, this place will be booming soon, and I’m so excited!


I have previous experience writing blogs (all personal), running a fan-site & online fan clubs, but I’m totally new to the anime blogosphere. It would be great to have suggestions on my presentation and the topics I address. If by any chance you have something in mind you’d like to have my two cents on, let me know. =]

Thank You

Lastly, I want to send huge thank you to our ~webmaster for allowing me writer status! I am forever grateful. As I am finding my place as an anime blogger, I get to be a part of the growth of this awesome hub, with others that are also passionate about anime & manga. Thank you all for being so sweet.

Oh my goodness, if you’ve read this whole thing + my intro, give yourself a pat on the back please. Thank you so much!


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