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OTT: Suisei no Ecchi
Ecchi is present in nearly every anime & manga, so I'm always willing to look past it; it's bearable for the most part because it's only a minor add-on, but is it just me or is the ecchi-ness in Gargantia just as important as the plot for the director? I don't mind the characters looking sexy, but I don't think the anime needs any fan service. It can do very well without it.
What the hell...

I couldn't even take the battle between the pirates seriously during the 3rd episode; am I really supposed to look at Mardi-Gras-looking Lukkage like she means business in that mobile suit? If that weren't enough, I almost laughed at the fact that her pet slaves were even able to operate their own.
Ledo's favorite bum.

If we take a look at Amy and her friends' dance, it is indeed a part of their society's culture, but cultural dances aren't supposed to be viewed in a sexual way (despite the fact that they have been viewed as such by foreigners), yet this is clearly used as a means to grab you by sexual appeal. I don't think this is a good idea; I think people should stop seeing all ethnic dances involving moving the hips as sexual, and respect their cultural roots. So, I think the dance could've happened, and it would've been a beautiful experience as art & entertainment for us, but since it wasn't used for us to get to know more of Gargantia 's culture (the name of the dance, its origin, why they perform it when they do, etc.), it wasn't.

Maybe if Gargantia's plot were like HENNEKO, where perversion is the point and hence essential to the plot, then it wouldn't be so bad.

What are your thoughts on the ecchi aspect of Gargantia? Do you like it or not? Do you want to see less or more (come on, you can tell me!) ?
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  • icon
    TheAwsome +1
    This fan-service was not bad but random if any thing. Yes this definitively fan-service. But most Anime have them and I feel they didn't hurt the Anime overall. And when she danced for him pacifically I felt it was a good scene of character development between the two rather then ecchi. If anything the fan-service is random and out of place. Perhaps if it was used in way to portray comedy it would be fine as comic relief. Still if they could re-place some fan-service with cultural learning.
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    Nyome +1
    Thought of this post after watching the last episode of The Severing Crime Edge and they had the most out of place boob bounce with the character Violet Witch. A completely normal scene where she walks up and stops and then... bounce.
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    TheAwsome +1
    The Anime should play to its strong points. Ecchi isn't one of them. An Anime can really dull out if just throws in ecchi such as this one example being "Guilty Crown".
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