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OTT: Adjusting to New Genres as We Age
Why am I still so naive today?
I was never keen on adulthood; every summer I contemplate about my upcoming birthday, when I'll become a year older than I am at the time. I cringe at the thought that with age comes more responsibility: taxes, finding a job, financial independence, etc. This year I've also been contemplating the notion of having 'adult interests'. I mean, you know, because I still watch morning cartoons and switch the channel to my local kids' programmes if I decide to watch TV at all. Perhaps I actually need to... grow up ? When I applied this notion to this otaku hobby of ours, I couldn't help but to think of those who tell me I need to grow out of watching anime. Of course, clearly, they have no idea what they’re talking about! We otaku know that anime can be categorized through demographic: kodomo, shojo, shonen, josei and seinen. The actual question is: what types of anime (and manga) should be of interest as we get older? Does it even matter?
If you watch enough anime it starts influencing you somehow, so I feel I need to stop watching shonen now. Shonen life is a thriller-packed drama. But maybe I should quit watching shojo too because it's all about an introverted outcast getting the attention of the most popular boy in school, and he'll sweep her off her feet into a life of never-ending bliss. 
Well, I've been thinking that I need to open my mind to josei. I only found out about josei a few months ago, and the environments and characters are mirror images of the realities people go through. I can at least say so for the only josei that I've watched so far: Otona Joshi No Anime Time.
This anime did a very good job at keeping the stories of these three women realistic, and some of them lived certain circumstances that were completely oblivious to me. However, this anime does have a certain tone to it when it comes to the role of a woman in a commited relationship, so it has its flaws.
According to you, should it matter that we should look towards more mature titles as we get older? 
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  • icon
    TheAwsome +1
    ..out one thing and another there. These lies will shield the child but they must be taken down to allow for maturity. I understand what you are saying but there must be a balance.
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    TheAwsome +1
    The reasoning behind adult lies are to protect the young as you have said. Simply these lies are there to shield the young from the harshness that is reality and keep them pure and fun loving. But I think it is important to balance things..
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    complex +1
    something adults always do, mainly to hide their actions, especially when it comes to "protecting" their child or younger sibling. I don't get it, and try not to adhere to these status quos. We can talk more if you want, but I'll stop here.
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    complex +1
    are the white lies adults tell all the time. This is actually something that I became aware of in elementary school, but that I started experiencing in my late teens. Dishonesty is a huge pet peeve of mine and from experience, is...
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    complex +1
    youth, we fail to make connections, and we don't think we can learn anything from them. Although listening to your elders is important as a youth, it's also important as an adult to learn from youth sometimes. What I'm most disgusted by...
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    I don't like that by a certain age, generally speaking we aren't able to relate to children anymore because we forget what it was like back then, and forget how to have fun & be silly. Everything is taken seriously & when interacting with..
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    You say mannerism what kind have you observed in adults?
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    complex +1
    and at different stages our lives, and that's ok. What I'm not fond of are certain mannerisms I've found in other adults, generally. Agreed, being in the present moment is important; a valuable attribute I've adopted is living in The Now.
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    complex +1
    I think there's a difference between immaturity & naivety though. I don't see my naivety as a problem, but something that I'm growing out of slower than I should be. I also think adult responsibilities come little by little...
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    NeNe +1 should do the same. Live for what is presented to you at the moment and when adulthood comes, you'll handle it. As far as anime and cartoons go, I don't think you can ever outgrow them because the joy they bring has no age limit.
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    NeNe +1
    I've always been mature for my age so I think I've encountered the opposite of your problem (growing up too quickly). But I do try to remember to slow it down, live in the moment, and enjoy what life is presenting right now. I think...
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    Nyome +1
    It's really hard to find any good josei series out there due to the small audience. I've been keeping an eye out for one for a good while now and nothing seems to be popping up. You're normally stuck with manga sadly.
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    complex +1
    because I don't have too much experience in that area in my life, and so I haven't seen it all yet, even when I try learning from my friends' experiences too, you know? So yeah, I'd rather look at romance anime with less naivety.
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    complex +1
    Thanks Awsome! You know what, I really don't think I'll ever stop watching anime, or other cartoons. And yes, I try looking for lessons in anime too, although it usually comes naturally to me. It's just weird in terms of romance anime...
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    TheAwsome +1
    When I watch Anime I always look for some lesson in it unless it's a mindless comedy or what not. You can still watch romance anime like that but keep reality separate.
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    TheAwsome +1
    You already know that Anime can be a good or bad influence. It's your choice on what to watch right. But as you get older I suppose you will have to fade into adult-hood. But I think you shouldn't give up your older behaviors just add to it
Document the discovery of a new anime.