Joined: 6/09/2013
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New here... hi >..<
I saw this sight in an ad while surfing the net. Then it said Brohoof, and I had no control. *click* and I'm here. 
The first thing I noticed was the tabs at the top and thought 'easy to navigate.. I guess I'll check out characters...' I recognized most of them on sight, but when but up to the test saw that there are only the basic characters from big anime, like Bleach, Hetalia, Ouran, One Piece, ect. I almost left, but then, what of the people who just scroll through the names, and don't see Kino's gorgeous face, or Fuyuki's girly features? Well! I couldn't ley you miss out. :p
So here I am, spending the time I should be writing my over-due essay on Dylan Thomas, with you.
Tags: first, hello, new, welcome
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    Thank you for spending time here then. Yes there will be a lot of generic characters since the site is actually still young.
Document the discovery of a new anime.