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Fifth Mizukage: The Fate of Powerful Females In Society


Sorry about that Mei. I hope your wish comes true someday.


Mei Terumi is the representation of a woman who has a lot of power, or rather holds a powerful title in the world of business. These women are, much more often than not, portrayed stereotypically as having chosen careers over marriage and having children—you know, the typical route society wants us to take. Well, most of the time I’ve heard about these women, it was them speaking on their own behalf (you can see some of these women in a show called Millionaire Matchmaker). It was also mentioned or emphasized in all their stories, that men generally wouldn't date a woman with a lot of power in her career field, or with a so-called dominating personality. Neither are these men comfortable with a woman making more money than them. I’d say this viewpoint is true, from what I’ve gathered from my own minor experiences, but especially because those women, whom have all lived and experienced more than me, say so.

So where does Mei Terumi fit into this picture? Well, she’s the head of her village, and a highly respected mizukage at that. Needless to say, she’s also a very powerful ninja. It’s obvious by the way she overreacts when hearing certain words, and associates them with marriage, that she’s bitter about being single and that finding a spouse hasn’t been easy. What’s more is her verbal abuse toward her escort Ao, who triggers these thoughts. She intimidates him, and that’s where the problem starts: we've seen this behavior many times in other characters such as Sakura and Tsunade. So why does Kishimoto have to portray powerful women like that; why is Mei an aggressor? Why does she have to be fearful to a man at all? To me, this only proves that the aforementioned view that men have about this type of woman is true.

I’d like to see her strength as a ninja, and her title as Mizukage to be presented as a form of sex appeal: if she’s going to be intimidating, I want her to strut like she owns the damn earth everyone walks on, and talk about how sexy it is to have the power to run her own town, just as some women find it sexy when a man is in charge of his own business or who takes care of himself very well. I could only think of one woman in similar fiction who’s this way, and that’s Catwoman. I think if more females in fiction were portrayed as such, then it would change the way some men look at women like Mei, considering the media influences our thought patterns. Some may argue that she already has sex appeal—and she does. She’s a gorgeous woman with a gentle, nurturing personality, which men like, but most of her sex appeal is due to her physique: breast size, cleavage, and hair. Yes, women are beautiful and have natural allure, but society exploits our attributes to the point where we are our physical features. I think we need a big break, no? Point is, her personality goes almost unnoticed. What’s more is she’ll only be viewed as a tool for sex because her terrorizing habit eliminates any potential of her being ‘wife-material’.  Men, am I wrong?

I’d like to say that just because you’re female, doesn't mean you have to follow society’s structure of what a woman’s life has to be: get married, have children, maybe get a job, but don’t make as much as him. I found out not too long ago that it’s more about figuring out what we believe will make us whole, in which order we’d like things to be, and how. We may not even want some of these things. I know I don’t. Also, just because your personality is rather strong (dominating), doesn’t make it a bad thing. It only means that you’re very confident, sure of yourself, and you know what you want and how to get it.

I’d like to get a little personal with you, if you don’t mind: is society’s portrayal of the way men view women with high corporate positions or assertive personalities too exaggerated, or are most men truly turned off by that? How do you personally feel about being with someone who may make more money than you? Are you willing to share what’s your definition of sexy?

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    DamDirtyApe +1
    Wonderful humor and fantastic use of the still shots. Great job, Com-Chan. I actually laughed out loud a few times. And that's seriously a rarity for me. A+++++++ WILL BUY FROM AGAIN FAST SHIPPING
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    The image isn't wide enough. You should be able to change the background color to #ffc8ff to fix it.
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    Oh, really? It's perfect on my laptop. And I've viewed it at school too on a mac computer and it's fine. =|
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    Ebel +1
    The background looks awesome too! Although you might need to stretch it a little bit. <-- could be due to my 1920 x 1080 screen that it is not stretch all the way.
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    Ebel: Thank you! (◕‿◕✿) Oh, I do have a new background too, if by chance you don't see it, you have to refresh your page.
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    Awsome: The abuse on others isn't our focus here. I've got an interest in the pressures I have to deal with as a young lady put on by my peers, my family and the media. It isn't everyone who realizes maybe everything that's been fed to them should be reconsidered & questioned, in fact most people are sheep. That's why it's worth talking about certain topics, so maybe you can help change their perspective. Also, I don't believe all people and animals are exploited, and it's different from abuse.
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    WN: I can see that happening in the future, because roles are starting to be reversed now. I'm seeing in media that more men are being shown to be either single fathers, or stay-at-home dads. For example in this show I really love, Doc McStuffins, her mother is a doctor and is rarely ever seen, but her dad is in almost every episode and he stays at home to take care of her and her brother.
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    TheAwsome +1
    I can't say anything to contradict this because it simple is all true. But to say society brings down woman is a little bit of an understatement in reality all woman can be what they want to be and just ignore what society says and not listen. Also society exploits all people not just woman but man as well. Even canines get this abuse like pitbulls.
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    Nyome +1
    I can't debate that most guys would feel intimidated. I think a lot is more gender neutral than most think. Both members of a relationship need to feel a sense of worth. It used to be that worth for women came from domestic skills and men from work and labor skills. So when a woman masters those skills it can be a bit intimidating for a guy unless they are able to find worth some other way. I bet in 100 years the roles will still exist in some way but they won't be decided by gender.
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    Ebel +1
    By the way, the new banner looks excellent.
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    And you're right, once a strong female gets a boyfriend she's suddenly lost self-reliance and is always saved by her man. Pathetic!
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    Femme fatale are scary too. And they're objectified as sexual tools. But I feel there are enough strong females in comics/anime, etc personally. It's more like if she's going to have so much sex appeal, I'd just rather her express it through her strength as oppose to have it due to her looks. And for characters like her, I want to see their male counterparts attracted to who she is/how she handles herself.
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    Ebel +1
    I agree there are probably a need for more "strong" women in anime and manga. In this sense some of these women are portrayed as a femme fatale. However, sometimes the "strong" women need to be rescued. You see it in anime and manga where the woman appears strong at first until she gets a boyfriend then she needs to be saved all the time. Not that I agree with that stance. It is just simply stupid to make strong women weaker because you take away their character.
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