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Finishing an Anime
I have finished two anime shows so far, Naruto and Death Note. When I finished them I felt the urge to watch them again once I was done, I missed watching them after I finish. So I would would re-watch them over and over. It feels great to re-watch these great anime and when I don't watch them I miss them and watch them again.
Does anyone else feel like this after watching an anime? 
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    10fantageG +1
    I would probably do the same thing Ebel would do. I would rewatch the anime if its more than a year or so. If I really love the anime then I might watch it if it could still please me. I am not that kind of person to re-watch the same thing over if I already know what is going to happen.
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    Nyome +1
    I sometimes find myself re-watching a series I haven't seen in ages. Normally because I watch a single episode and keep wanting to watch more. D: After about 2 or 3 eps I force myself to stop since there's other things I should be doing instead.
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    Ebel +1
    Typically I don't re-watch anime unless its been more than a year because it is usually still fresh in my memory. If I were to re-watch I would just re-call the scenes during the episodes that I want which would spoiler the story for me. :(
Document the discovery of a new anime.