Posted 4/10/2013
This is just a guess but Ox_King seems to be in charge of "HellFireIRC" which I find great!

When I looked at his profile here well I was impressed beyond belief at the amount of entries he did!
Of course this a bit lower then WestNyoria but for one man running his own site and helping here well he's great!
When I looked at his site though well it still rough on the edges and can use some improvements so I was wondering if we can pull together and help him out WHAT DO YOU ALL SAY!
I feel that by helping him out we will both benefit from it and of course who ever on OtakuElite wants to help can chip in with there unique skills!
-I mean ~Webmaster and WestNyorai seem to be great with programming and can make the site look appealing with little trouble(I think..)

-Nene maybe can throw some of her originality I have seen so far!

- Complex she has proved herself a grand writer one that evokes interest and can possibly help to!

- And as for me well errr I will play to my strengths! I think I have some?

So I will ask again  WHAT DO YOU ALL SAY!
"If he did not create the site well..

Posted 4/10/2013
Ox is pretty active with the site. Not sure why he's not active on the forums. Granted he normally just bugs me directly. lol

Posted 4/10/2013
Also, gratz on getting 50 entries! Let me know if you can edit characters now on the site. I believe I set it at 50. If not I'll lower it.

Posted 4/11/2013

Yes Ox_King does run Hellfire ^^

Good to see that he's appreciated!

WestNyorai of course exaggerates when he says that he "bugs" him :P

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