Posted 9/15/2011
Hi, im Serates

I just got your android app and came to look at the site.
I guess the site is rather new, but it looks great so i thought i'd make an account and see how the site develops when people discover it, cuz it has a lot of potential~

I didn't find an introduction thread, so i hope its okay i posted it here.

maybe some hobby thingie here too huh?
well i guess you can guess i like anime, also i like games and generally everything that's got to do wiith computers i guess.
so basically i'm just another otaku who discovered this site.

Here's to hoping it becomes something big :3

Posted 9/16/2011
Welcome Serates!

The site has been under development for a while, but has recently started to pick up speed thanks to the Android App and Crunchyroll! Let me know if there's anything you want to see on the site and I'll see what I can do! Anyway back to coding!

PS: OtakuElite will be at New York Anime Fest this October. Hopefully it'll bring in some new users. Sadly no booth yet! :(

Posted 12/01/2012
Didn't see an intro thread? I laugh.

Posted 3/21/2013
Well I think it should be possible to suggest new Anime not present in the list to "WestNyorai".( Oh god ignore this I was new let it a lesson!)
Thanks to Crunchy Roll I'm here.

Posted 3/21/2013
As for entries you can either add them yourself, or suggest it for either myself or ox king.
 Ox has a thread somewhere on the forums for suggestions. Not sure if anyone has bothered to suggest one yet. lol

As far as adding to the video library it's very limited and restricted to only crunchy roll vids atm. I may plan to add other video providers in the future as they are willing to grant us access to their streaming libraries.
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