Posted 5/28/2013
First of all sorry was not sure where to place this.

Now we all know to most of us being an Otaku is like a badge of honor but this term doesn't go over well in Japan due to social reasoning buy the people. I myself understand there is a lot of contravesery on the subject so I made this Post to ask you all how you fell and what you know on the subject. Rather then surf the net I would like to hear real people.

Posted by... "TheAwsome"

Posted 5/28/2013
The term isn't necessarily bad in Japan. In fact a lot of people use the term proudly, but because of misinformation it is often looked down upon. In reality otaku just means you have an obsession with a particular subject. However, in western culture we use it to describe a strong interest in anime/manga/video games.

In Japan the term has been abused by the media when describing people with an extreme, and often sickening, obsession with a topic. Such as the "otaku murderer" or the news reports of middle aged men collecting perverted dolls and marrying fictional characters. Over the past few years the true meaning of the term has become more and more known so the negativity is slowly fading out.

Posted 5/29/2013
I read a recent article from this magazine called GEEK and they mentioned that anime otaku in Japan are starting to become more proud of their hobby.

Posted 7/30/2013
I think the term 'NEET' has replaced the bad reputation of Otaku. I know the two use to be heavily affiliated when I first got into anime.

Posted 7/30/2013
An image of a NEET in it's natural environment....

Careful they scare easily and hate light unless it is from a screen.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/30/2013
Ahh... NHK...


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As if we all haven't had that moment where your online friend turns into your best friend.

Posted 7/30/2013
Ahh... NHK...


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As if we all haven't had that moment where your online friend turns into your best friend.
Friends you meet online are the best. >_>; Where else can a little girl befriend an old balding man and meet up for a planned suicide.

Posted 7/30/2013
Ahh... NHK...


Toggle Spoiler
As if we all haven't had that moment where your online friend turns into your best friend.
Friends you meet online are the best. >_>; Where else can a little girl befriend an old balding man and meet up for a planned suicide.

 This guy! Oh I remember that! This Anime always kept me thinking. At the end of this episode you get another shock. Still I feel this episode was not needed but that is off subject.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/30/2013
Ahh... NHK...


Toggle Spoiler
As if we all haven't had that moment where your online friend turns into your best friend.
Friends you meet online are the best. >_>; Where else can a little girl befriend an old balding man and meet up for a planned suicide.

 AHHHHH! So what if my hair is thinning! You don't know what'll happen out of it!!!

Posted 7/30/2013
I'm just going to shave it all off if I ever get that bad. As much as I prefer having hair I'm not that clingy to keeping it.

Posted 7/30/2013
I'm just going to shave it all off if I ever get that bad. As much as I prefer having hair I'm not that clingy to keeping it.
 I agree on that. I will go bald and shiny if I must.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 7/31/2013
I'm just going to shave it all off if I ever get that bad. As much as I prefer having hair I'm not that clingy to keeping it.
 I agree on that. I will go bald and shiny if I must.

By... "TheAwsome"
 Ahhh! I need the hair. I have a weird shaped skull. You know, I have a head shaped like a piece of rice. It's pointed. Coneheade. I'm like Dan Aykroyd starring as a secondary character in Xam'd!
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