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Anime Literary Analyses/Critiques
Hello, I haven't made progress on "The Dream of the Butterfly" in what seems like ages (about two months) due to a major writer's block. Either its just a block or I attempted to overreach my abilities.
For now I have come up with something that may or may not break the block; I will begin to analyze/critique anime (or a single episode) as if it is a piece of literature (sounds cool right?).
It may sound weird because it is, allow me to elaborate. I will pick an anime, let's say myself;yourself for example, and then find a message or an underlying meaning. After doing that, I will put in my own opinions and critique it. The process will be more involved as soon as I work out the fine details and begin working on a project.
If anybody knows where I can get my hands on some anime scripts I would very appreciate it if you lent me a hand.
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    I started to write a few short stories but I can't find the perfect length and the right plots for them. With this it will keep me busy, help with creative flow, and it will even help me with my literature studies.
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    A lot of fansub groups will post scripts online and there are other sites which promote legal content and will provide translations for raws. Sometimes it helps to change pace with stories. I had a trilogy I worked on and since shelved due to other projects. I probably won't work on it again until I can find a good mangaka. Before I stopped I switched to script format which helped my ideas flow better. But for an end product longhand is probably best.
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    Sounds good to me but if you have problems with writing right now, could you write short stories?
Document the discovery of a new anime.