Joined: 12/01/2013
Blog Posts: 1
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Youtaite? Utaite?
HI HI!! Okay it is kinda awkward just sitting here typing my first blog (any one agree? -.-???? ANYONE?)but anyways.....Hello I am currently A MAJOR OTAKU like anyone else!! And also I am aiming to be a great Youtaite (Not utaite)! (Utaite's are people who do covers on nico nico douga mostly on vocals but some may do instruments dancing,etc also it's mostly covers on vocaloid songs,anime song,etc BUT! Youtaite's are just people who do the same thing except on Youtube!) SING MY HEART OUT LALALALA! ( O.O) I just started to learn the lyrics on the song "Romeo and Cinderella." sung by Hatsune Miku and arranged by Doriko. It'll be a short version though. Hopefully I can learn a whole song though.So whenever I am done with the cover I'll post it!!!
~ everybody deserves to be acknowledged no matter if you are the worst because there is not such thing as being the best only trying your best.
    Document the discovery of a new anime.