Posted 8/02/2013
What is Sophisticated Roach thinking? He is thinking why he keeps having bad links.

By.... "FancyRoach"

Posted 8/02/2013
Yes. Use to upload your image instead. You're looking at a cache version of the image which only you can see. If you refresh a few times it'll probably be shown as a broken image.
 Thanks can you see both of them?

By... "TheAwsome"
 I can now see the pokemon one but can't see the Roach anymore. Also let me know which one you want to use for the contest. Limit of 1 valid entry per user. You can post as many as you want though for fun.
 I'll be using the one with the head band as he represents the site better then a fancy roach I think.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/02/2013
Here is my submission.

By... "TheAwsome"
 AAAAAAAAAAAAW! ouhmahgoush your drawing is so cute, Awsome!

Posted 8/02/2013
Here is my submission.

By... "TheAwsome"
 AAAAAAAAAAAAW! ouhmahgoush your drawing is so cute, Awsome!
 Thank you! 

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/03/2013
Omg Awsome! Your submission is FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE IT! 

It's so cute! I just can't help but smile along with the character your created! 

And the OtakuElite headband is a great touch! 

Posted 8/03/2013
Omg Awsome! Your submission is FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE IT! 

It's so cute! I just can't help but smile along with the character your created! 

And the OtakuElite headband is a great touch! 
 Thank You!

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/04/2013
Only a bit of time left for Artaku. If you have any last minute entries it is time to submit. We look forward to as the results of what will concur.

By... "TheAwsome"

Posted 8/05/2013
Winners will be announced tomorrow. 
Permanently remove poll and all votes forever.
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