Joined: 12/04/2013
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Japan News!
Oh my goodness! When I went to Red Lobsters with my mother, she told me that a friend of hers , his son , lives in Japan. I've heard about the son and how he loves manga/anime like me, so they are going to be sending me tons of Anime/Manga books he used to read! However, that isn't the best part. I heard that he invited my family to Japan, so... we'll be going to Japan! So excited!
        Well, any of you like to RP? Like, me and my friend RP all the time, but sometimes based off books and movies, sometimes off of manga/anime books and manga/anime movies. Any of you like to do that? If you do, what was your favorite character you ever RPed for? And based off what show or movie?
FullMetal Alchemist ♥
            Who agrees that these movies/shows are just amazing? I've watched all of it, movies and shows together. Its just simply amazing. No other words can describe it, if you have any words to better it, put it in the comments. Tell me how much ya love this anime. Thank you for reading!
    Document the discovery of a new anime.